Home Financing can be a time consuming task involving hours of tedious paperwork. We'll help you make the search for financing for that most important purchase

Home Financing can be a daunting task, but don't let it get the better of you. Here's a little story to remind you that it's not sooooo....bad.....

Several years ago, we were in need of a mortgage for a house. I became aware of the "need" when the loan officer at Wells Fargo mentioned that she could get us some cash for someof our other debts and save us some money. After preparing documents for several loans in the past, I was aware of what would be needed to accomplish such a task.

I gathered the paperwork I knew she would require to begin the process and headed to her officeto discuss the loan. Due to the fact that we have numerous fingers in various pies, the stack of papers I provided stood nine inches high. (Well, it was a start anyway!)

Loan Officer

The horror stories you hear about loan documentation becomes a living nightmare when youraffairs are a maze of different ventures. When I entered the young lady's office, she stared at me incredulously while I explained that she would need all of this and more to complete my application.

Now, I'm not here to scare you. I just wanted to point out to you that, no, the paperworkyou will be asked to fill out is not so bad.... Just begin with the forms, complete them andreturn them to the loan officer promptly. Then when they call and ask for documents, paperwork, etc,just remember it's not nearly as bad as it seems. It could always be worse!!

I found a very informative article that should help you out. It should help to make the documentation process go a bit more smoothly. I always find that knowing what is going to be needed helps me get a handle on my job.

If you gather all the documents and bring them along, you'll look like a pro. Check Securing Home Loans and you'll be way ahead of the game.

Don't forget to review your credit before looking for financing, however. And if you need a little help getting your credit report in line, be sure to visit our page on Credit Repair before you start looking for that mortgage.

Another item you'll need to consider while financing your home is insurance. Visit my friends at Insure for Less to get the best rates for your homeowners insurance, or any type of insurance.

Let me introduce you to some of the other websites I've found that can help you with Home Financing. These sites will help you get your credit inorder, look for a great interest rate, and secure the best loan for your needs.

Links to visit: GreenPoint Mortgage and Home Financing at MoneyCentral

I only have one thing more to remind you of ..your mantra! ..."my Southwestern Dream Home WILL be a reality!"

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