Plant desert plants and invite desert wildlife


to partake in the beauty of your Southwestern Dream Home by placing desert plants and grasses for them to enjoy. Your pleasure will multiply as you share your dream with the charming creatures of the Southwestern terrain.

Xeriscaping means simply landscaping with slow-growing, drought tolerant plants to conserve water and reduce yard trimmings. Southwestern communities now tend to focus on water conservation more than ever before. Water can no longer be considered a an unlimited resource. The term Xeriscaping was created by the Denver Water Department in 1981. The idea is to landscape with plants that require less water.

Barrel Cactus
This Xeriscape article by the Xeriscape Council of New Mexico will help you to incorporate desert plants into your landscape. These folks give a comprehensive overview of how drought resistant plants can be introduced into your plans to create a valuable addition to your Southwestern Dream Home.

Their Seven Principles of Xeriscape detail seven water-conserving principles that will help you to succeed in creating a beautiful, low-water, low maintenance landscape that is pleasing to humans and to desert wildlife.

Although the "Xeri" part of the word means dry, this does not mean without life. You can incorporate many drought tolerant species of flowers and grasses to create color in your landscape throughout the year. Improve the soil before planting flowers, and you will have much more success. Be sure to plant only annuals the first year or two until the soil has a chance to become more hospitable to the more tender varieties.

A landscape that focuses on drought tolerant species of plants and grasses will take less effort to maintain, and can increase your property value. Because it will require less water and maintenance, it can cost significantly less than a traditional landscape.

Cactus in a Rock Garden

Rock Gardens are also a great addition to a Xeriscape. Use areas such as steep slopes where theywill look like a natural part of the environment. This method of landscape can provide cover for wildlife and invite many species of birds and butterflies for you to observe.

Xeriscaping methods are rapidly spreading throughout the United States. Parks use this method in many areas. By setting aside areas where native grasses and other desert plants are allowed to grow wild, they save money and create an inviting environment for desert wildlife.

Many builders in the Southwest now let homebuyers choose traditional landscaping or xeriscaped lots as well. Be sure to talk with the builder you choose about this option. I've found a couple of good websites you can visit to get some ideas on desert plants to use in your landscape. The first is SummerWinds. The next is another awesome site I really enjoy visiting. See High Country Gardens desert plants for more great drought resistant desert plants and flowers.

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