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Mediterranean Style Home

Time to find the perfect Southwestern Property for you. Check here for relocation help.

Think about the reasons you may want to begin the path to your Southwestern Dream Home...

  • Do you have a new job to go to?
  • Do you also want to retire in a great Southwestern town?
  • Want to find a better place to raise your family?
  • Looking for a great school for your children?
  • Would you like to find a cleaner, more environmentally conscious place to live?

The reasons for Relocating are endless,but once your decision is made to create your Southwestern Dream Home, you may begin here at our favorite Relocation Services ,for all the information to help in making your decisions. I find Relocation Services such as this give a fresh new perspective to things you may never have thought to consider.

If you are in the market for LasVegas real estate visit us. You will find many LasVegas homes for sale including newhomes in Las Vegas and LasVegas luxury homes at MSLasVegasRealEstate.com.

Southwestern Home
The first thing on our agenda was to decide just exactly WHERE we would retire. When you beqin your quest to build your dream home, you will need to go through some of the same relocation processes we did.

Here's a few great photos to show you just why I love the Southwest. And here you'll find a reason why some people consider the Southwestern United States to the the location of the American Dream.
Take a look and you might just decide it's the place for you too!

New! Visit my new Dream Home Site page to see how we are progressing in the process of building our Southwestern Dream Home.

The area considered the Southwest normally includes Arizona and New Mexico. Other states sometimes included are Utah, Colorado, Texas, Nevada and California. Any of these locations in the Southwestern U.S. could be the perfect spot for your relocation.

When you've chosen the state and the city, you'll surely need to scout the area to determine what part of town you want to be in. A small town can be pretty straightforward, but there are still decisions to be made. There a miriad of factors you will need to consider to determine exactly what neighborhood or zip code you'll want to be in. Check out our page on Scouting the Area to see some things to keep in mind when looking at building sites.

I also have a great tip for you to help you when you are searching for just the right property to build your Southwestern Dream Home. Visit my Real Estate Secret page to learn how we did it.

New! If you're interested in a Luxury Dream Home in an idyllic New Mexico setting, see the awesome place we found while visiting Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Realtors and real estate are a big part of any move, I'll show you some of my favorites and give you an overview of how helpful and friendly the realtor was that guided us to the site where we will build our dream home. Few of us are lucky enough to have a bank account handy with enough free cash to build a dream. As you work toward yourgoal you will most assuredly find the need to speak with one or more financial specialists.

Mortgage brokers, bankers, onlineloan companies, you name it, I'll help you weed through the choices and find one that is right for you. See Financing a Home for all your finance needs.

You may be wanting to sell a home before making the move to the Southwest. If this is the case, you will certainly want to look at the Curb Appeal of your existing home. If your home is already built, visit this page anyway. It can help you improve the value of the home you are living in as well.

Don't sweat the paperwork, just keep whispering your mantra...."my Southwestern Dream home will be a reality..."

Stucco with Palms
One minor detail with a major impact on the completion of any project is the availability of utilities. Don't forget this important part of the decision. If you plan to build in the near future, you'll have to have water, electricity, telephone,and possibly gas. One major consideration for me was my innate need for high speed internet. Don't sweat the small stuff, but be sure you take care of your major life needs (I admit I'm addicted). It could be an absolute requirement that you can obtaincable television, or satellite. Don't forget the TV or you may have some very unhappy family members on your hands.

All the details leading to the perfect relocation are here for you, so let's get started on that perfect Southwestern Dream Home.

....fade in....This trip to Vegas was a different one for us. My family had migrated to the Las Vegas area to find the American Dream. I come from a family of carpenters and both my brotherand my son decided to relocate to where the money is. The job market is good in Vegas so they are always busyand looking forward to the next big tower of glitz that will be the paycheck for another few years. Mymother had gone to Vegas when my brother and his wife moved, so we make a habit of visiting regularly.

That's all fine and good but other than a week here and there, my life was stable, hectic, stressful. Itried for several years to convince my husband (65 this year) to consider selling the family businesses andretiring. All the while I knew this was an impossible dream....or was it?

Winners see problems as just another way to prove themselves. Problems are never truly hardships; if you haven't got any problems then you must not have a business to run.


Enter, my husband, Tom Cholley, brilliant businessman, charming and persuasive negotiator, friend. Tom made an offhand comment about how we should sell the businesses and relocate out West. Conversation continued until itbecame crystal clear that my husband meant exactly what he said. He was ready to retire!

So there is was, the idea, and with it came the dream. Not just any dream, the idea progressed, transformed, grew andmetamorphized into what it is today, our version of the Southwestern Dream Home. And so it was decided for us, but the road may be just beginning for you. Visit us here often and you'll find help, advice, and all the wonderful resources I can dig up to help you plan your home.

And please Tell Me! anything I can do to make your experience here more useful. We're here to help, and we need your input to make this the site you want to visit when creating your dream.

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