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Southwest Decor can add spice to your home

When decorating your home with Southwest Decor, you will find four major categories of decor that fit into the Southwestern theme. You may want to choose one and focus on it exclusively, or blend all four into something unique to you.

Take a look at these styles:

Sequoia Bedding Western style design is an interesting way to commemorate the early cowboy type folk that populated the Southwest. You will find items featuring barbed wire, wagon wheels, horses, and cowboys themselves. Leathers, cowhides and rough furniture are the norm here, and rustic is the name of the game.

Rustic can take on another look as well, when you explore the realm of Mexican imports. Sunflower Lamp You'll find hand carved furniture, hand painted pottery, tile, and even bathroom sinks. The Mexican people create colorful and useful designs in decor and furniture that make for bright and cheery decor for your home.

The Modern Southwest Decor

Southwestern Bath Accessories made so popular today normally uses shades of pinks, mauve, purple and turquoise. Santa Fe style motifs are popular for bedding, wall art, pottery and dozens of others. Another popular Southwestern Decor style incorporates Hot! Hot! Hot! Chili peppers into items such as kitchen towels, condiment holders, wall decor, and too many items to mention. Cactus is an interesting Southwestern Decor theme as well.

One of my favorites for Southwest Decor is Native American. Anasazi Fountain

The little Kokopelli is a member of this revered class. You will find dozens of beautifully handcrafted pottery designs, hand woven rugs, wall hangings, baskets and free standing decor. Sand paintings have a unique place in this class as well. True Native American artwork can be a bit more expensive than some other types, but each piece has a bit of the spirit of the artist in it. When you view true Native American work, listen closely and you can hear it whisper to you.

Mix and match, or stay true to one theme. You can create your Southwest Decor with a flair all your own by visiting each of these design variations and seeing how they fit into your Southwestern Dream Home. And as always, remember your mantra... "My Southwestern Dream Home WILL be a reality."

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