Home Sweet Home - Why I Love the Southwest


For nearly six months now I’ve been going on about the Southwest. I love the Southwest and I created this site to bring the Southwest to you. Well I suppose it’s about time for me to get right down to it and give you a taste of just exactly WHY I love the Southwest. Home sweet home.

Spectacular might be a way to explain the Southwest. In this case that one word, spectacular, might be associated with the Salt River Canyon. It may not be the Grand Canyon, but this area is one of those must-see places you won’t want to miss.

Salt River Canyon

TC Meets Jose'
Margarita Heaven whispered our names one night and we found a reason to answer. This photo shows Tom after an evening of mariachis, margaritas and mischief. Don’t ask me how many senoritas followed us home that night; I’ll never tell. (Honey, Tom is a lot of fun and I can’t help it if women love him.) Ok, and the food was superb too!

Sipping coffee and eating a scrumptious bagel on the balcony of our room one morning, I spied this little guy in a mesquite tree nearby. The wildlife in the Southwest always gives me a thrill. Most photos I’ve seen of cardinals include snow and icy branches.

I’ve always loved hearing Tom call his brother on the phone and asking him “How’s the weather?” Then after a few moments of Joe telling him about the snow and road closures, Tom calmly tells him we have the air conditioning on and it’s a bit warm outside. Gloating makes him smile.

Cardinal in Mesquite

Now for downright thrills and excitement, the rodeo is always at the top of the list. What guy can resist the Old West anyway? And if you live in the Southwest, it’s right at your doorstep every morning. Tom is, right now, planning how many horses he needs and what dude ranch he should go work at. Ever hear of a guy retiring so he can go to work? He’s been dreaming of dude ranches since I met him.

This photo was taken during the Rodeo parade. I wouldn’t have missed this for the world! Tom shows our stack of about a hundred photos and tells his friends there were “5,000 horses” in that parade. I didn’t personally count them, but there might have been that many or more!


And then, when you wake up in the morning with a view like this one, life can be oh so sweet. Yes, I can confidently tell you that when our home is complete, I’ll have every reason to call it our “Southwestern Dream Home.” Home sweet home.


Stay tuned…

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