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Hornos are beehive-shaped outdoor ovens


Backyard Horno

used for baking bread and other types of baked goods. Hornos can be constructed of sandstone, lava-rock or adobe bricks. A fire is built inside the oven, allowed to burn, then the embers are removed when the oven is hot enough.

After cleaning the floor of the oven, the bread is placed inside and a covering is placed over the door to keep the heat in. When the bread has had time to bake, the door is opened and the bread is removed.

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This method of baking bread has been used in the Pueblos since the Spanish came to America, bringing wheat with them. They taught the Indians to cultivate the wheat and to grind it to make bread. They then taught them how to make hornos to bake their bread.

While visiting the Pueblos near Santa Fe, we came upon this small community where the people bake their bread in this same fashion. The modern-day Kiva Fireplace later evolved from this early type of ovens.

Outdoor Ovens

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