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A Planned Community is a grouping of homes designed to meet the needs of its residents.

Each Planned Community offers its own set of house plans to choose from.

You will also find a diverse menu of amenities to choose from, so visit several and choose wisely.

Across the United States, Planned Communities are a popular choice for families, retirees and singles alike. There are various types of Planned Communites to choose from as well.

Choices include the Plain Vanilla, the Master Planned Community, Retirement Communities, Golf Communities and Gated Communities.

Each of these offerings has a potential to overlap into one or more of the other varieties as well. You might, for example, find a Planned Retirement Community that is Gated and sports three golf courses.

Master Planned Communities are carefully planned to act as if they were a city by themselves. Visit The Woodlands, a Master Planned Community near Houston, for example, and you will find parks, malls, hiking trails, biking, pools, and houses to meet the needs of a vast array of lifestyles and income levels.

Academy Village, a planned community located in the Rincon Valley, slightly east of Tucson, provides a unique twist to the typical "Retirement Community". These folks focus on lifetime learning, and provide a miriad of opportunities for residents to further their education. Talk about a Community, these guys have got it together!

We happened upon Academy Village on one of our trips. One criteria we insist on for our home is a good view. We figure, why live in a beautiful place like Southern Arizona and not have access to a beautiful view from our home? The lots here were high enough that they should have a view, so that fit for us.

Planned Community True to form, (my husband never met a stranger) we stopped a man on the street and asked him about the homes and the community. This is when we learned about the unique philosophy of Academy Village.

I was so impressed that I searched out their website as soon as I had access to the internet. I discovered their prices were affordable and their commitment to learning was outstanding. Why retire to sit in an easy chair and watch TV all day long? This place will help retirees get the most out of their golden years. I highly recommend it.

Don't think that Retirement Communities are all there is out there, however. If yours is a young family looking for a safe place to raise a family, you could find a Planned Community is the right place for you. Singles find activities and interests in these closeknit villages too. Whatever your situation in life, be sure to visit several of these unique communities. You may find one that's just right for you.

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