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Live anywhere and do what you want!

I’m just like you, I promise! I began my years of adulthood wishing. I wished I could make millions doing very little work. I wished I could make enough that I could stop going to work day after day and coming home exhausted, getting a paycheck every week that barely supplied my family with the necessities of life.

Many times I scraped together a few measly dollars to buy some new “report” that would create a fabulous income with very little effort. Each one created further disappointment and I began to see how futile the instant wealth dream was.

I have bookshelves filled with books on:

  • How to make money
  • Books on how to do business on the internet
  • On how to make money with direct mail
  • And on how to make money in Real Estate with no money down.
I bet you have some of the same books I have!

When the internet came on the scene, I began learning what there was out there, but it always seemed like a faraway dream to make money. Advertising on the internet was highly expensive, and if you had a product to sell it could cost many times the sales price of the product to actually sell the product.

There are those out there that have made money on the internet, but mostly they are internet gurus with huge amounts of knowledge about how to sell on the internet, not your everyday person like you and me. These gurus know how to write text that sells, use search engine optimization to rank high in the engines, attract hundreds and even thousands of people daily to their site, cause people to click through to a sales page to buy their product and make multiple sales from the same happy customer who comes back to their site again and again for more information or products.

But I had no earthly idea how to make that happen. All of those skills the internet gurus had were Greek to me, and even if I managed to learn a little about one there were dozens more secrets out there that I would have to learn to try to keep up with the pros. The internet seems to move at the speed of light, and it’s almost impossible to keep up with all the changes as they come on the scene. Yes, I am like you. I don’t know much about the internet, or about selling, but I am just now beginning to see my dream become a reality.

I don’t have extensive knowledge of the internet. I don’t know how to build a website, but I have built one. I have built a website that interests people like you, and dozens of people each day visit my site. Not so many, but it’s a start.

I found that anyone that knows something, anything about something, can create a website that will interest enough people that they can make money doing it. Believe me, everyone has some special knowledge that can help others.

So how did I build a website if I don’t know how to do all those mysterious things? Before I tell you how I did it, let me tell you how I found out about it.

Several years ago, while searching for my ultimate income formula, I learned about mystery shopping. There are companies out there that pay average people to evaluate customer service at their businesses. But this is not what I want to tell you about today, I’m just setting the scene for my great discovery.

I had spent a couple of years doing mystery shopping, and its close cousin Merchandising, and found the internet to be a treasure trove of freelance assignments just ripe for the picking. So, when Tom and I decided to retire and move to Tucson, I knew I had to find something to do to occupy my time. Some added income would be a welcome addition to what we expected to make during retirement.

So when we visited Tucson and purchased our property, I spent quite a few hours searching the internet looking for mystery shopping leads. I found lots of available work, but I found something more. I had long since realized that “get rich quick” was a crock, so the idea of making a reasonable amount of money slowly became an acceptable alternative.

I found the gateway to the most feasible alternative during my search. No, it’s not “get rich quick” but many people make enough to quit their jobs and work at home, travel, live where they choose, or donate to a favorite charity.

I found a treasure trove of highly believable information about how thousands of people just like me who had done just that. They created a website just telling others about something they know about. Remember I told you that everyone knows something others need? These thousands of people knew things others needed, and they are making money telling others about it.

I’m not just telling you I did it, I’m telling you thousands of people are doing it every day.

They’re making enough money:

  • to supplement their income,
  • to travel,
  • to move to a bigger better house,
  • or to live their dream on a Caribbean island
  • or anywhere in the world they choose.
Some make a few hundred dollars a month, but others make thousands of dollars a month. It’s up to you to decide what you’ll write about and build it into a website that brings in the money.

I visited the website and read about how people with so little internet knowledge they barely knew how to check email had created a new and better life telling others about what they know. They have proof you can see, and wonder at. Not just one, but hundreds of sites that everyday people have built to create a steady income that just keeps on coming. Talk about residual income, this is it! I visited their websites and found them to be real. They’re just regular people like me telling about what they know.

Then I visited another page that told about all the tools they provide to help people like you and me to build a website. From experience I can tell you the tools provided help you choose a subject you know about and that will also bring in money. But their tools go further than that! They have a very simple site builder tool that any high schooler can use to build a site. Matter of fact, there are teenagers that have built sites that make money for college or to create a future for themselves.

The tools provided go even further than that. You get tools to help you submit your site to the major search engines, and track the number of visitors coming to your site. They show you which of your pages are ranking, how high, on the search engines and they help you to do the things that will help your pages rank with the engines.

I can go on and on, but you need to visit their site and see just what others have to say. There are over 20,000 sites built by people just like me. Just like you! This is Sitebuilding for the rest of us!

If you know anything about Alexa you will find the Alexa rating of their site is one of the top two hundred sites on the entire internet! That’s out of 56 million plus websites across the globe. The site ranks up there with Wal Mart, IBM, Microsoft and Google! If they can be in the top 200 sites, they absolutely can’t be some fly-by-night that will take your money and leave you cold.

As a matter of fact, Site Build It! has an ironclad guarantee that is the best in any business. If for any reason you decide this is not for you, your money will be returned, no questions asked. I’ve seen a few people in the forums that are considering asking for a refund, but there is normally a huge outcry from others that helps many get through a slump or a hard place and those same folks go on to create winning sites. But I’ve also seen some that actually do ask for refunds….know what? They do get their refund.

Many on those same forums also speak about having been refunded their money and coming back months or even years later to give it another shot. They find that the other places may be cheaper, but they’re not better.

Speaking of the forums, there is an extensive system set up with dozens of people visiting them daily. Altogether, this is the most friendly and helpful group of people you will ever meet! If you need help getting a photo on your page, setting up your e-zine or any one of a thousand other issues, you will either find the answer in the forums or someone will be able to help you if you just ask.

Oh, don’t get me wrong! It’s work; this is absolutely not “get rich quick”, but it’s an exhilarating experience when someone sees your site and lets you know you’ve done well.

My site? After only a few months, my site ranks in the top one-half of one percent of sites. Who else can provide that kind of track record? These tools are awesome! Visit the link below to see for yourself how you can create a brand new life for yourself and your family.

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